Forever is composed of nows.

You’ve told me you want to know how to build an extraordinary life. I know you want to create an extraordinary life, that’s why you’re here reading this.

I speak about creating an extraordinary life often, as I’m sure you know by now through reading these weekly love bombs.

I often refer to you as a Life Designer, because you are. As am I.

You and I want to live a life that we have consciously created. We don’t want to settle for mediocre. We want to succeed at extraordinary, am I right?

Here’s the thing: if you want to create an extraordinary LIFE, you have to start creating it NOW.

American Poet, Emily Dickinson, said, ‘Forever is composed of nows‘ and I think the message behind that is that if you want the future, you have to start taking action to create that now, whatever your ‘forever’ looks like.

The future and the forever you want is composed of a million ‘nows’.

But do you know what kind of future you actually want? And once you do, do you know what steps you need to take to help you get there?

What does forever look and feel like for you, because it’s different for everyone.

Here are three ways you can get started on your ‘forever’ and create the kind of future you want, right now.


What does ‘an extraordinary life‘ mean to you?

Before you can live an extraordinary life, you have to know what that looks like. Otherwise, how will you know when you are actually living that blissful life?

Take out your notepad and pen and spend a few minutes answering that – yes, now Life Designer (remember forever is composed of now).

– Is it starting a blog so you have a creative space to explore your thoughts and ideas? Then possibly launching a business from there?

– Is it finding a tribe of people who really ‘get you’ and vice versa? A community of like-minded people?

– Is it packing up your comfortable life and travelling for a year or moving somewhere completely different?

– Is it simply and beautifully living each day as if it were your last? Spending time with the people you love who and appreciate you for who you are and you them?

– Is it practicing compassion, forgiveness and gratitude every single day, and trying to not sweat the small stuff?

Extraordinary living can’t exist if you don’t know what it looks like.


Once you know what your extraordinary life looks like, you need to take the steps to go about creating it.

Some things we want in life naturally happen over time, however, the majority don’t. We need to set clear intentions about what we want and set short and long term goals to achieve them.

When it comes to goal setting, I suggest splitting them into different life areas:

Pick 3-5 main goals for each life area, then break them down into smaller ‘mini’ goals.
Set clear time frames around each one and the action steps needed to get you there.

When it comes to setting intentions and goals, you may need to reach out to someone for help, someone who can keep you on track, accountable and ensure you achieve your goals in your desired time frame. This is part of the work I do with my clients.


The future is coming no matter what. There’s no controlling that, slowing it down or stopping time. Every single second, our future and reality presents itself to us.

Don’t wait: to start figuring out what you want. To put pen to paper and write those goals. To pick up the phone and make that important phone call. To enrol in that course. To hire that coach (my doors are open). To have that chat with your boss. To start a money jar for your small change. To forgive yourself for that ‘mistake’ you made. To set mini goals. To pursue your passions. To book that ticket. TO START RIGHT NOW.

Forever and the future is composed of nows – you can’t afford to wait! This is it; your life.

Every breath you take, every passing moment and minute on the clock is a new opportunity to take charge and start creating the kind of future you want.

The future is ours. The future is composed of nows. The future can be written and rewritten in any way you want it to be, but you must take action now.

P.S. I am looking for a woman who is:

:: Passionate about creating an extraordinary life
:: Interested in self-discovery and personal development
:: Excited by the idea of designing life on your own terms
:: Open to change, unafraid to try new things
:: Ready to improve their life in one, or many ways

SOOUND LIKE YOU? Send me an email at [email protected]. I’ve got something special just for you! 

Share with me in the comments below what ‘creating an extraordinary life’ means to you.

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