WHAT IS YOUR BODY TELLING YOU (and are you listening)?

Do you believe we create our own reality? I do.

I can probably count the number of meters I walked the past week on one hand – ok, so maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but it’s been a small amount.

I’d been tucked up in bed for most of the week with a cold and it was somewhat of a challenge for me.

I’m someone who loves to be out and about, saying ‘hellos’, ‘how are you’s’ and connecting with many people, and feeling the sunshine on my body, but last week, it was all about, ‘hello bed’ and connecting with my tissue box.

Hot, right?!

As much as I don’t like being sick (does anybody?), I can’t deny the fact that this is my body’s way of telling me to slow down, to take stock of what is happening in my life and reassess and reevaluate; that is, to look at why I have created and caused this illness in my body.


‘Why I created and caused this illness?’

you may be thinking.

No matter whether we find ourselves with a simple graze on our leg, a cold, or a stiff neck, to more serious and life threatening illnesses or circumstances in our life such as a heart attack, cancer, or a miscarriage, it is ourselves who create and manifest it – at least that’s what I (and Louise L. Hay) believe.

Now I know that may be a hard pill to swallow – that we are responsible for our illnesses – and accept it (and perhaps you won’t want to), however, allow me to explain.

Internationally renowned author and lecturer (and one of my all time hero’s) Louise L. Hay speaks about this in her well-known book, ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ (one of my all time favourite books).

In her book, in ‘The Body’ chapter, Louise explains:

I believe we create every so-called illness in our body. The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. The body is always talking to us, if we will only take the time to listen. Every cell within your body responds to every single thought you think and every word you speak.
Continuous modes of thinking and speaking produce body behaviours and postures and “eases” or dis-eases.
The person who has a permanently scowling face did not produce that by having joyous, loving thoughts. Older people’s face sand bodies show so clearly a lifetime of thinking patterns.
How will you look when you are elderly?

She goes on to speak about what’s known at ‘The List’, which is an index of illnesses, symptoms and diseases, along their probable mental patterns and causes, and some beautiful affirmations to create better health.

The list by no means is a conclusive one, however, it does, I believe, provide invaluable insights into what mental cd we might be playing on repeat in our minds, and is a resource from which we can work from to become our own investigator and healer.

Unfortunately, I know and have known many people who have faced life-threatening illnesses – some of whom are/were close to me – and as the curious butterfly I am, I couldn’t help but investigate what the ‘probable cause’ of their illness or symptoms were according to ‘The List.’

Without wanting to sound self-righteous or pompous, in each case I could see so clearly the direct correlation between these people’s thoughts, behaviours and beliefs, and their illness or disease.

Just as each time I have been sick, broken a bone, or faced other physical symptoms, I too, can trace it back to what was going on in my life at the time; we could call this the catalyst.

It’s an incredibly scary thing to wrap our heads around isn’t it? It sounds almost cruel to say that we are responsible for whatever illnesses manifest in our bodies, and in our lives, and it’s even scarier to think we have the power to manifest such horrible diseases such as cancer or the like.

However, the beauty lies in this:

If we have the ability to create every illness in our body, we also have the ability to heal our illnesses and ultimately, heal our lives.

When my clients turn up to our sessions with a cold, a killer headache, or some other symptom, I don’t just say ‘Oh that’s a bummer, I hope you feel better soon.’

I investigate this further with them. I ask questions (as always) about what is going on in their life. What thought patterns are running rampant in their mind? Where has fear been showing up in their life? How about anger?

I’ve learned that there are really just two mental patterns that contribute to disease: fear and anger. Anger can show up as impatience, irritation, frustrations, criticism, resentment, jealousy, or bitterness. These are all thoughts that poison the body. When we release this burden, all the organs in our body begin to function properly.
Fear could be tension, anxiety, nervousness, worry, doubt, insecurity, feeling not good enough, or unworthiness.
Do you relate to any of this stuff? We must learn to substitute faith for fear if we are to heal.” – Louise L. Hay

Amen sister! Aint that the truth?!

You see, so often we are quick to dismiss physical symptoms in our body for just that – physical symptoms.

We look at symptoms as something purely surface level or take them at face value instead of looking at what is going on inside, underneath.

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and intuitive beings. They speak to us loud and clear – but we can only heed their messages if we are willing to listen.

So, are you willing to listen? Are you willing to learn what your body is trying to tell you?

I highly recommend Louise’s book, ‘You Can Heal Your Life.’ Not only is ‘The List‘ a wonderful insight into the cause of many of our physical symptoms, the book in its entirety is a wonderful way to deepen your connection with yourself, and ultimately, provides the tools to begin to heal your life.

By the way, in case you’re wondering, according to ‘The List’, the probable cause for a cold is:

‘Too much going on at once. Mental confusion, disorder. Small hurts.’

Affirmation: ‘I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. All is well.

What about you: do you believe we create our own reality, and if so, what do you believe?

P.S. If you’re ready to step up in your life to create a life your truly love (and deserve), THIS might be for you.


 Photo Credit: Milada Vigerova

2 Responses to WHAT IS YOUR BODY TELLING YOU (and are you listening)?

    • Thanks for your comment Katie. It’s wonderful that you ‘caught yourself’ making yourself sick – I think this is the first step to turn our illnesses around; to recognise that we are creating and manifesting them. I hope your stomach is healthy and happy now.
      Nicole x

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